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Author's Chapter Notes:
An idea that attacked me randomly when I first started writing Eroica fiction. I found it amusing. Hopefully I'm not the only one. >_> Please excuse any grammatical and other errors. I chose to beta this myself.

“Alright, that’s enough! I’m tired of you people thinking I’m a weakling!”

The Major stopped reading the report before him and lifted his eyes to the blond standing in the center of his office. Cigarette hanging lightly from his mouth, Klaus wasn’t surprised to find his men staring at the Earl like he’d grown another head. It was rare for Eroica to truly get upset and at the moment he was fuming. Hands on hips, glaring at all who would meet his gaze, the Englishman was practically steaming from the ears.

“No one ever said you were weak, fop,” the German officer stated, turning his attention back to his report. “Now get out. We’re busy and-“

You have told me plenty of times that you think I’m worthless, which pretty much insinuates that I’m weak,” Lord Gloria hissed. “And don’t think I don’t know what’s said about me around here.”

Sighing heavily, Klaus lifted his eyes to return the glare being directed at him. “I don’t want to hear your whining. Get out.”

“I’m not talking to just you, Major,” Dorian continued, completely ignoring the brunet…for once. “You’re men have been saying the same things!”

Well, I can’t argue that, the German thought. Only a few days ago the Alphabets had indeed been making fun of the Earl. He’d even thrown in a few of his own jibes, though only those closest to him had been able to hear it. None of it was extremely harsh, mind you. It was actually a bunch of drunken males, for they had indeed been drinking, poking fun at the blond Englishman and his rather flamboyant way of doing things. Yet how had word gotten back to the Earl? He’d have to search the office for bugs again.

From what he could remember, there had been a few jokes made as to the thief’s lack of strength. Certainly the blond was used to it. Perhaps it had been said one too many times? Sometimes he forgot that the blond was indeed a man and therefore had a man’s pride. His damned foppish actions were probably to blame for this lack of remembrance. But despite his extravagant side, he still was a man. “Alright, you’re not weak. Satisfied? Now get out!”

“Absolutely not,” Eroica glowered. “I came here with the intent to issue a challenge.”

That made one of the Major’s eyebrows rise before his brow drew together in a glare. “Don’t think you can come in here and issue some perverted challenge to my men!”

Dorian snorted. “Why do you always assume my ideas are perverted?”

“Because they’re coming from you!”

“They’re only perverted when you’re concerned, Major.”

Sputtering, the brunet flushed with anger. “Idiot!”

Rolling his eyes, the blond sighed. “I came here to challenge you all to an arm wrestling match.”

This drew a pause from everyone in the room. Klaus could only blink and it wasn’t until B asked a question that he was snapped out of his stupor.

“An…arm wrestling challenge, Lord Gloria?”

“That’s what I said,” the Englishman stated. “Or was my flamboyant language too hard for you to understand?”

Some of the Alphabets actually flinched at the comment. It would seem that someone had been around during their little party and had shared what they had said with the Earl. Usually Dorian could throw the comments over his shoulder and try to ignore and forget about them. He’d gotten fairly used to them, but that didn’t mean they still irritated him and occasionally they even hurt. Apparently this time had been the final straw for the thief.

Sighing heavily, the Major rubbed his forehead. He was beginning to get a headache. “What a stupid, inane idea to prove your strength, Lord Gloria.”

“Does that mean you admit that I’m stronger then you? Because if you don’t arm wrestle with me, I’ll take that as you forfeiting.”

Fuming, the brunet glared sharply. “I will never admit to such a ridiculous idea! You, stronger then me? Ha!”

“Then prove yourself,” Lord Gloria sneered. He was certainly in a foul mood. “All of you meet me at that little club four blocks down the road at seven o’clock. If you don’t show up, I’ll simply consider you a coward and weaker than me.”

The Major’s pride was slightly comforted when he saw the faces of his Alphabets hardening with determination. Without waiting to hear their reply, Eroica waved and left, slamming the door behind him. His pride had obviously been wounded but the German officer hadn’t realized how badly. Still, as a fellow man, he could respect the Earl’s challenge. Perhaps if the same had been said of him, he would feel a need to prove himself.

Besides, what was so wrong with an arm wrestling match?


The club itself was not what Klaus had been expecting. He had been expecting lights and a loud, heavy song with a strong beat. It was more like a bar then it was a club. While the Major was an intelligence officer, he rarely did much exploration when it came to clubs and bars, though they usually were brimming with the unsightly sort, the ones people didn’t want to get involved with. Not that anyone would want to threaten him, but the fact remained.

He had arrived early, at six forty-five, and was slightly surprised to find the Earl already sitting at the bar, nursing a small glass of something. He casually made his way over to where the blond was sitting, taking the Englishman by surprise when he willingly took the stool next to him. Ordering himself a drink of his own, the Major mentally puffed his chest out at the Earl’s shock. Lord Gloria wasn’t the only one who could startle someone.

“You’re early,” Dorian stated, turning back to his drink. “You’re usually right on time.”

“Ja,” the Major replied, nodding his head to the bartender as thanks when his drink was place before him. He could be civil when he wanted to be. “I drove too fast.”

The Earl snorted and flipped some of his hair of his shoulder. He really was in a foul mood if he wasn’t going to say something flirtatious. Klaus kind of liked it. “You drive too fast all the time.”

Shrugging, the brunet turned to face the angry Englishman. “Well? Shall I arm wrestle you now?”

“Ha! And have you break my arm before you Alphabets get here?” Lord Gloria sneered. “Oh no, I’d rather take you on last. I’m not admitting defeat mind you. I simply know that you’re the strongest of your team.”

If the Major’s ego could have gotten any bigger, it did then. “Hm. You’re smarter then I give you credit for.”

The blond glared. “Believe me when I say I know.”

As enjoyable as the difference was in the Earl, Klaus was quickly becoming annoyed with the other’s demeanor so stayed silent for the time being. For the first time since they had known each other, the Englishman hadn’t said one perverted thing to or about the brunet. And yet this difference of mood and attitude was becoming agitating. The Earl should be spitting out poetry or confessing his love to the German officer, not glaring at his glass like it had wronged him in some way.

Was he truly that upset?

Promptly at seven, much to the Major’s pleasure, the Alphabets filled into the building, gathering looks from the few faithful patrons sitting at various tables. The bartender blinked before steeling himself for a long evening. Something was going on tonight and since the two men in front of him were staring at the group with some from of recognition, he wasn’t sure he wanted to know what it was. Especially if it was going to bring damage to his place.

Klaus, however, hadn’t missed the glint that had zipped past the Earl’s eyes. Only, he didn’t know what it had been.

“All twenty-six are here, Lord Gloria,” A nodded. “We’ve all accepted your challenge.”

“So it would seem,” the blond replied evenly. “Shall we simply go down the list by letter?”

“It would be the most practical,” the Major stated. “Find a sturdy table.”

The Alphabets nodded and looked around the room. Almost as if it were awaiting the battles of strength, the one in the center proved to be the most stable for their task at hand. Throwing back the rest of his drink, the Earl set the glass on the bar and got up from his seat, removing his coat as he did so. To the Major’s astonishment, he was wearing a simple, form fitting t-shirt, red in color and almost like under armor, that revealed the Englishman’s toned form to their eyes.

The German officer suspected that Eroica had picked out that shirt on purpose, just to irk him.

The Earl didn’t waste any time. Settling himself on his side of the table, he placed his elbow on its surface, waiting for A to take his position on the other side. Removing his own jacket, the agent did just that, receiving a few encouraging pats on the back. The adrenaline was already beginning to flow through the bodies in the room and the faithful customers felt themselves getting rather intrigued, though the bartender sighed in relief.

“Alright, fair fight you two. No cheating,” G stated, making himself the referee for the time being. “On the mark of 3. 1…2…3!!"

Muscles tensed and the two struggled for a good twenty seconds. Imagine A’s shock when his own fist, not the Earl’s hit the table with a bang. Eroica, not the least bit surprised, simply returned his arm to the beginning position, waiting for the next challenger. As A slipped out from the seat, now getting comforting pats from his fellow agents, B took his place, grinning with confidence. He was stronger then A. They’d often arm wrestled together, him turning out victor three of four times.

He also went down quicker then A.

The same pattern followed with C, D, E, and F lasting a maximum of ten seconds before being slammed to the table. G was barely even worth the trouble and he whined about his manicured hand as he slinked away. The losers had gone to get themselves a beer and now all the patrons were standing at the table, waiting anxiously on the next battle. Yet the Englishman didn’t even look fazed, his eyes cool and harsh.

Slowly, but surely, the blond went down the line, beating the other Alphabets with more ease then many of them wanted to admit to. The Major found himself impressed. His men were not weaklings. He often made sure of that himself by making sure they were doing a daily exercise routine that would not only increase their strength, but their agility and sharpness as well. The fact that Lord Gloria was beating them so easily made him wonder just what the blond did to train.

Finally the Alphabets were down to Z and the Earl was beginning to show some weariness from the previous battles. Z was half tempted to back out, but from the way his teammates were cheering him on, he felt he had to do his best. Besides, he doubted that Eroica would be grateful for the action. In fact, it would be more likely that he would be offended and insulted. By now the club was roaring with excitement, newcomers joining in the fun. The bartender was grateful that he was able to see.

“You can back out at any time, Lord Gloria,” Z stated, concerned that the Englishman was stretching himself too far. He hoped that the blond would stop and take a rest for his own sake.

This only made the resiliency in Dorian’s eyes burn brighter. “Like hell.”

Z sighed when excited ‘oohs’ rose from the crowd around him and placed his arm on the table, eyes hardening when their hands grasped each other. He had never seen the Earl so angry before, so determined to set things right for himself. Perhaps this was a good thing? If this resiliency carried on in future missions, perhaps the Major would not see him as such a nuisance. He could already see the surprise, respect even, flitting occasionally through his superiors gaze.

G had returned to his referee position and raised his arm excitedly. Z would certainly put up a fight against the Earl. He also had the advantage of not being tired from twenty-five previous arm battles.


Again, muscles tensed and the two men were at a stand still. While the Alphabets cheered for their teammate, Dorian seemed to have earned himself the favor of the patrons of the bar, as well as the bartender himself. Already the man had told himself he would give the Englishman at least one free drink tonight. Providing such excitement, as well as business for his place, it was the least he could do. And it would be any drink of the blond’s choice.

For a moment, it looked as if Dorian was out of his league when his arm began to fall back. Grunting, he pressed on harder, moving Z’s hand back to the center and even a little back. Z was not going down without a fight and returned the pressure, face beginning to scrunch in concentration. The Earl was becoming a little red in the face, but the Alphabets attributed that to the fact that he was tired and his arm was surely aching.

After thirty seconds had passed, Z felt his arm being pushed back and struggled to push forward. The Englishman merely pressed on, slowly bringing the German’s hand closer to the table. Both men were grunting at the strain and the cheers around them had escalated, many of the Alphabets screaming excitedly at the top of theirs lungs, hoping that their words would bring the youngest of the team some strength. It did little to help him.

Right as a minute had passed, Dorian slammed Z’s hand to the table.

Cheers from the patrons roared for the Earl’s victory as the Alphabets merely sat stunned. Lord Gloria had beaten all twenty-six of them in less then an hour. He looked thoroughly exhausted, but that was a feat that few men could possibly hope to attain to. One man beating twenty-six was no small accomplishment. Their respect for Eroica had grown immensely and many were mentally vowing to never joke about the man’s strength ever again.

Klaus merely continued to stand there and smoke his cigarette. Huh, the bloody pervert did it. He wasn’t sure what he felt. Z had put up a good fight and pride swelled in the Major’s chest towards the youngest on his team. He even gave the young man a pat on the back, muttering a “Well fought” in tandem with the action. Z had merely nodded his thanks, rubbing his arm tenderly as he wandered over to the bar to buy himself a beer.

Grinning from the excitement, A turned his attention to his superior. “All that’s left is you, sir.”

The Major turned his green eyes onto his subordinate before glancing at the Earl. The blond was panting softly, though his arm was trembling from the exertion it had made in the past hour. “Give Lord Gloria twenty minutes to rest his arm first.” He said nothing else and from the grateful look the Englishman gave him, however brief it was, Klaus was pleased to see that he hadn’t offended the other. Not that he really cared if he did offend Eroica, but there was only so far that a human body could go.

The crowd’s excitement continued even as the Earl gave his arm time to rest and he was beginning to see the folly in his own challenge. Perhaps it would have been better if he had challenged each one on a different night, but it was too late to turn back. On top of that, all the battles had turned in his favor. All twenty-six. He had been so sure that Z would make him lose, but for the sake of his pride he had continued to push forward. It had paid off.

As the Englishman made his way to the bar, receiving pats on the back from total strangers, he nearly slumped in his seat. He quickly ordered a drink, which the bartender was quick to retrieve and he was again surprised when the Major willingly sat down next to him. Some of his normal, flamboyant self was back in his mind and it was practically squealing with joy and encouraging him to press his luck. He was too tired to do so however.

The bartender returned with his drink, smiling and setting it down in front of him. “It’s on the house, sir.”

Lord Gloria blinked before a brilliant, yet subdued smile graced his face. “Thank you.”

It was the first time the Earl had smiled that day and the German officer was slightly glad to see it. That meant some of the Englishman’s fury had subsided and the man was finally calming. Things certainly wouldn’t be staying the same though. His men had a higher respect for the blond and he could also see that he had been wrong with his assumptions with the man’s strength. He was almost curious enough to ask Eroica what he did to train, but he was sure he wouldn’t want to know.

“You’ve earned the respect of my men, Lord Gloria,” Klaus stated, taking out another cigarette from his pouch.

“I would hope so,” Dorian replied, taking a sip of his drink with the arm that wasn’t recovering.

“And you’ve effectively protected your pride,” the brunet added. “You’ve impressed many people tonight.”

The Englishman merely stared for a moment before turning blue eyes in the German officer’s direction. “Including you?”

Feeling a need to goad the other, the Major merely shrugged noncommittally. “You’re more then welcome to back out now. No one would think any less of you.”

The blond’s eyes narrowed. “Are you telling me to quit?”

Why do I like seeing him so riled? Klaus thought, continuing to provoke the thief. “Never said that. Simply said you could quit. I’m sure your arm is dying.”

Bristling like a cat, the Earl hissed his next response. “Be that as it may, I am not walking out of here until I’ve challenged you properly. It would seem your opinion of me hasn’t changed in the least!”

The Major shrugged again, though his thoughts were different. No, that’s not true at all. You’ve got more strength then I want to give you credit for. You proved me wrong there.

Angry once again, Lord Gloria glared down at his drink, wondering what he had to do to simply get the Major to admit some sort of defeat to him. Of course, that hadn’t been his original purpose, but it had wandered into that area. He had just taken down all twenty-six of the Major’s Alphabets and he still refused to give the Englishman any sort of leeway! He knew his chances of beating the German officer were slim at best, especially with a weakened arm, but the other could admit that he had dome something impressive.

When the Earl’s twenty minutes had passed and he had finished his drink, the two men made their way back to the table, instantly drawing a crowd. Dorian took his seat and watched as the brunet removed his trench coat, as well as his suit coat before rolling up the sleeves of his white dress shirt. Getting comfortable the two men set their elbows on the table, loosening muscles and generally relaxing themselves as they allowed the adrenaline to flow.

Finally, they clasped hands and Dorian’s inner spirit was squealing with joy merely for the fact that he was holding the Major’s hand. Perhaps not in the context he would have wished, but the two of them were hand in hand for this hopefully friendly competition. Klaus would never think it friendly however. Green locked with blue and for a short moment it was only the two of them. This battle was between them and both were looking forward to it. That fact alone surprised the German officer.

Once again, G took his position as referee, slightly nervous for the match to come. “Alright, fair fight, no cheating, and may the best man win. Ready?”

Both the Earl and the Major gave a short, terse nod before they readied themselves. The tension between them was thick and both were determined to win.

“On the count of three then,” G nodded. “1…2…3!”

For a moment it didn’t look like the two had even started. Then a slight tremble in Dorian’s arms caught everyone’s attentions and the cheers immediately erupted, the patrons for Lord Dorian Red Gloria, the Alphabets for Klaus von dem Eberbach. Both faces were set in stone and their eyes never once left each other. Occasionally one would begin to gain some sort of an advantage, only to motivate the other to fight back harder.

For a full minute they went and not one was showing signs of giving up. The Major was extremely impressed. He had not thought the Earl to be this strong and whether he won or lost, the blond had deserved his congratulations at least once this evening. He doubted that even the damn Russian bear cub could even hold out this long against him. Lord Gloria had officially earned his respect in this sense and he wondered what would happen between them if both were well rested and didn’t have the cheers of a group helping the flow of adrenaline in their veins.

After another thirty seconds had passed, the Earl began to show signs of weakening. His face would twitch occasionally from the effort it was taking to merely maintain his control and his arm was trembling terribly. It had been overtaxed tonight and still he continued to force it to fight. Yet slowly and surely, he was beginning to lose and while he wasn’t going to give up, both he and Klaus knew he had lost tonight. A fact that the blond did not like admitting.

Another thirty seconds and the Englishman was sure he’d need to place ice around his arm. It would be sore for the next few days. The Major had him halfway down and he knew it would be practically impossible to get it back to the center. In no less then fifteen seconds, the German officer officially forced the blonde’s arm to the table, slightly excited that he had won. His men were cheering loudly at his victory for no one could beat the Iron Klaus.

Lord Gloria took the defeat gracefully, panting lightly as he stood up. Extending his good hand, for the other was completely dead, he was slightly surprised when Klaus actually took it, giving him a good shake before letting go. Together they returned to the bar, though Dorian was separated from the brunet’s side as his men cautiously, but happily congratulated him on his victory. The blond was surprised when, once again, he was offered a free drink and he smiled at the bartender. A loser’s toast.

After several of the Alphabets left the club, most of the excitement leaving with them, the Major made his way over to the Englishman and sat down, also receiving a drink on the house for his victory. Nodding his thanks, the brunet nearly swallowed it down with one fell swoop. His shirt was back to his wrists, his suit coat on, and his trench coat hanging over his shoulder. The two were silent before Dorian laughed lightly, turning to look at the Major.

“I should have known better then to challenge you,” the blond stated. “You always win.”

“Not in every case, Lord Gloria,” Klaus argued. “Don’t forget who saved my mission in Vienna.”

Blinking, the Englishman could only stare at the German officer for a moment. The brunet had just practically admitted his failure in that particular mission and that he had been the one to save it. The Major didn’t ever admit something like that. Slowly a small smile crawled onto Dorian’s face and he made sure that he let it shine to the world. Not the best day of his life, but his dear Major was beginning to be less uptight around him. Perhaps this was a step forward in his goal.

Of course, he couldn’t simply stay this way and would have to revert back to his regular self. That could wait till tomorrow however.

“Perhaps,” Dorian responded softly, still smiling. “That was quite the mission, wasn’t it?”

“Ja,” the Major responded, finishing off his drink. “You probably ought to get ice on your arm.”

The Englishman fought with his flirtatious side as best he could, but knew it would be a futile battle. So much for waiting till tomorrow. “Are you offering to help me, Major?”

The brunet glowered. “Lord Gloria, don’t spoil the mood.”

Laughing softly, the blond’s smile continued to grow. “I think I’d rather hear that phrase in a bedroom.”

Glower turning to a full blow glare, the German officer huffed. “Can you not go one day without spouting that perverted nonsense?”

“Around you? Apparently not,” Lord Gloria responded. “My mind and body are near uncontrollable when I’m in your presence. Such is the effect you have on me. Thrilling, isn’t it?”

“Disgusting is more like it,” Klaus growled.

Getting to his feet, Dorian slipped on his coat, feeling far better then he had been the last couple of days. He had proven himself to the Alphabets and the Major, hopefully earning their respect in at least that sense. Of course, he couldn’t leave without at least one more flirtatious comment. Only, what to say? There were so many appropriate (or inappropriate) things he could say. He adjusted his coat, drank the last of his drink, paid for what hadn’t been on the house, and was prepared to leave, flirtatious comment held back.

“Not going to let the bartender top you off, Lord Gloria?”

The blond bit the inside of his lip. Oh, Klaus, if only you knew the effect your words have on my mind. “I’d rather you top me off, Major.”

The Major blinked for a moment before the meaning behind Dorian’s hit him. He burned a bright red and Dorian couldn’t tell if it was from anger, embarrassment, or arousal. The last one would have been a dream come true. His body was shaking and the Englishman guessed it was from rage, not anticipation. Flipping his hair behind his shoulders, he grinned and winked at the man he so loved before making a beeline straight for the club door.


Laughing gaily, the blond was sure to give the German officer one more flirtatious wave before he was out the door and running to his car. He was glad he had. Not two seconds after he had started the engine and began to drive off did the Major storm out of the building, face still beet red. He was hollering towards the Earl, but Dorian ignored it, blowing a kiss in the man’s direction. Oh it was so nice to see the effect he had on his Klaus!

Things would change between them eventually. And Lord Gloria was going to see that it changed for the better.


Chapter End Notes:
Well, what did you all think? I realize that there were definite OOC moments, but I hope you'll all look past those. :D
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