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Reviewer: Cinnabar (Anonymous) [Report This]
Date: 09/05/2009 10:37 | Title: A Sadistic Entanglement

I second the fan translation of the Roman catacombs section.  The Chinese translation from Taiwan I read as a teenager in the 80's, the dialogue matches the fan translation.  Japanese is partly derived from Chinese, and Taiwan was a Japanese colony, so both linguistically and culturally it is easier to have a faithful Chinese translation, even though the Taiwan one had many faults as well.  I think it was harder for the dead-earnest Taiwanese to get some of the whimsical, irreverent, sometimes downright iconoclast humor of the series, for example. 

Klaus cannot tolerate women as a category - all except for the nun of his youth.  As a straight woman, I have always cherished that moment when he, holding a soccer ball, watched the nun walking and reading a book in her garden - he a beautiful dark-haired youth already glimmering like a blue tank, and she still young and beautiful.  He could have only seen her as a mother substitute - but still, a feeling probably not unmixed with romantic and sexual ambiguity.


Love the review.  But then, Eroica lovers would be erudite, subtle, humorous and not in any haste to come to conclusions.

Reviewer: Margaret Price (Signed) [Report This]
Date: 02/07/2006 08:23 | Title: A Sadistic Entanglement

I remember reading this when I was uploaded to LJ last year, on my birthday, appropriately. I was very new to the fandom at the time, and found it extremely enlightening.

I love your essays. Just thought I'd mention it.

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