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Chapter Nine

Ante Up

A small forced bet that everyone at the table is required to pay before each hand in order to participate in the game.


Klaus was more than a little stunned when the Eroica gang unanimously agreed to assist him in his quest to get to the bottom of Project: Eroica. He realized later that it really should not have surprised him. Bonham had stressed more than once that the thieves were staunchly loyal to the Earl.

Or at least, to the man they thought to be the Earl.

Klaus shook this thought from his head. No, he could not allow himself to be distracted this way. Until he could prove otherwise, the man lying sick in a bed in Bali was the Earl of Gloria, which meant he would somehow have to go about locating the real Earl.

Klaus gave orders for the entire computer network to be dismantled and readied for transport, leaving the satellite uplink functional until the very last minute. Anyone who wished to accompany him was to pack and be ready to leave when he returned with Eroica's submarine.

Eventually, Bonham managed to pull the officer aside and point out that supplies would have to be laid in before any journey could be undertaken. And since it was highly probable that there would be more items on the island that the officer would want to take along, Bonham managed to persuade Klaus to allow everyone the time to get ready before he departed for the island. At least until the next morning.

"Why don't you get some sleep, Major?" Bonham suggested finally. "You have to be knackered by now." With all the different flights and connections, it had taken nearly a full day to get to England, and the older man was certain the officer had only taken a few thirty-minute catnaps along the way. He himself had practically passed out in his seat on the final leg of the journey.

The Major's reply was a dark look.

"You're in no danger from us, Major. And even if you were, surely that's why you brought your men. To watch your back." Bonham paused a beat before adding logically, "Even Iron Klaus can't stay awake forever."

Klaus was grudgingly forced to concede defeat. He had scarcely slept at all in the long journey from Bali, and had been on his feet for hours since his arrival in England. As Bonham had so succinctly put it, he was indeed knackered. And there was no doubting that he would have a long day ahead of him when he finally got to the island where the Aqua Zep was housed.

"Who took the Major's things upstairs?" Bonham called out to the group of thieves that was in the process of breaking up.

"I did," replied a man who looked only a few years older than the officer himself.

Bonham nodded. "Craig'll show you the way, Major."

Klaus silently following the man up the stairs. To his surprise, he was led to the Earl's bedroom. "Why here?" he asked sharply.

Craig cleared his throat nervously. "Well, when you arrived, we thought you were his lordship, didn't we?"

Klaus closed his eyes and groaned inwardly. He was tired. "Yes."

"Bonham said not to unpack your things because you were leaving shortly." Craig held out a hand, indicating the untouched luggage across the room. "Would you rather use another room?" he then asked mildly.

Klaus considered. The Earl's room was at the back of the house, away from the current flurry of activity. He shook his head. "No, don't bother. It'll just slow everyone down."

Craig did not reply. He simply nodded and left, closing the door behind him.

Klaus took in the room, recalling the last time he had been there. The night he had broken into the castle to confront the Earl. The night before the world ended. He sat down on the bed, kicking off his shoes. How pathetic is this? Sleeping in the man's bed to get close to him. A man who doesn't exist!

For the second time that day, Klaus found himself wishing he had a cigarette. He lay back on the bed and closed his eyes, sighing heavily. Perhaps he should sleep in another room. This was the last thought to go through his mind before he practically passed out from exhaustion.

* * *

At some point during the night, Klaus had woken long enough to climb under the blanket before settling back into sleep. It was the sun coming in the window that finally woke him fully. He had completely forgotten to draw the curtains, which was probably a good thing. Being awake all those hours had completely thrown off his internal clock. He sat up, looked at his watch, and then at a clock, realizing he didn't know if his body thought it should be on German or Indonesian time, the latter of which was six hours ahead of his current location. He looked around the room, getting his bearings, only to have a legion of conflicting emotions inundate his senses. Emotions he was not prepared to deal with at the moment.

Klaus showered, dressed, and then made a thorough search of the Earl's bathroom and large, walk-in closet. He found himself surprised when he saw how the clothes were organized. Outrageous outfits on one side, relatively conservative on the other. At the back of the closet was a large mirror with rows of drawers on either side, similarly organized. Was this Eroica on one side, and Agent Marshall on the other? Or just respectable Earl on one side, over the top pervert on the other?

Klaus exited the room just as Agent M was coming down the hall to wake him. The agent did not even bat an eye when he saw his commanding officer already awake and dressed. He simply stopped, waited for him to get to where he stood, and then turned, giving Klaus a status report as they made their way toward the kitchen. To Klaus's surprise, breakfast was already in the process of being prepared. He looked at the clock to reassure himself that the clock in the Earl's room hadn't stopped. It was indeed only just past six o'clock in the morning.

"No one could sleep, sir," M informed.

From across the room, the cook rejoined, "They were bored. Haven't had a decent job since his lordship left." He grinned when Klaus turned to look at him. "Bonham says you're in charge, Major. So...? What can I prepare for the man in charge?" he asked brightly.

Klaus was taken aback by this. The majority of Eroica's men were petrified of him, the remainder wary, which seemed to include the kitchen staff as well. The cook, whose name turned out to actually be Cooke, seemed to be the exception. "I'll eat whatever you make for everyone else," he replied diplomatically.

Cooke gave him a toothy grin. "Okay," he said happily.

Klaus noticed M was trying very hard not to smirk. He was also failing miserably. The officer waved a hand at him. "Don't just stand there, M, get the others," he said with only a hint of disapproval in his voice. "No, wait... Who was last on watch?"

"L, sir."

"Let him sleep. He can eat later."

This time M did smirk. "Yes, sir." So saying, he left the kitchen.

Cooke suddenly produced a jar of Nescafé from a cupboard and set it on the table in front of the Major. "I've had orders to keep this in stock at all times," he informed as he went on to produce a mug and spoon. "I've already put kettle on." Before the officer could reply, Cooke was turning to his assistants, who seemed to be huddling near the doorway. "Well, come on, you lot. Breakfast won't cook itself."

The assistants made some affirming noises and started to scurry about the kitchen as orders were given.

Klaus ignored this activity as he sat down at the table and measured out the coffee. A few seconds later, the kettle was whistling. "Are you the one responsible for organizing the supplies for the sub?" he asked as Cooke was pouring water into his mug.

"I am," Cooke said happily. "If you're worried I'll forget your coffee, don't be. I've put it at the top of the additions list."

Klaus's eyebrows went up. "Additions list?"

Cooke returned the kettle to the stovetop and retrieved a notebook. He sat down beside the Major and flipped it open. It had tabbed dividers, and he flipped to the section for the Aqua Zep. "I have a standard list of necessary dry goods," he said, sliding the book over so Klaus could see it. "Another for perishables. All I need to know is how many people for how many days, and I can calculate what's needed." He pulled a lined tablet from the back that already had some items written on it, the first indeed being "Nescafé for the Major" in bold script.

Klaus had to admit to being impressed as he scanned down the list. "I'll get an exact head count at breakfast. And we'll be able to stop and pick up supplies along the way, if need be."

Cooke nodded. "That'll help. I'm takin' what I can from the castle stores. Might have to have the lads, um...procure what I can't get right away so as not to slow things down. I assume you'll be wanting to leave as soon as possible?"

"Yes. And if by procure you mean steal, then don't tell me the details."

Cooke chuckled. "Okay."

Klaus had a sudden thought. "Are you procuring because of time or money?"

Cooke's eyebrows went up. The Major was just as direct as he'd always heard. "Both, actually. With James suddenly, well...away, shall we say, the household account is running a bit dry."

"I can take care of that."

Cooke sat back, a surprised look on his face. "Really?"

Klaus nodded, taking a sip of his coffee. "We located Mr. James' hidden accounts. I'll have John Paul arrange a wire transfer into the household account after breakfast. Just let him know how much you need."

"Major, we are thieves," Cooke reminded him with a grin.

Klaus gave him a sideways look. "I thought there was supposed to be honor among thieves," he remarked aridly.

Cooke burst out laughing, slapping a hand on the table. "By God, Major, call me crazy, but I like having you in charge." Before the officer could think of a suitable reply, Cooke picked up a pen, pulling the tablet in front of him. "I suppose I should figure on the sub's full capacity to calculate the number of bodies I'm to be feeding," he said practically.

"Possibly. I don't know yet. I can't take everyone. Somebody's gotta stay behind and take care of the castle."

"Oh, don't you worry ‘bout that, Major. Not all the staff moonlights as thieves."

"Oh? Such as?"

"The grounds staff, for instance. They kind of came with the castle. Even have their own quarters separate from the main house."

This revelation caught Klaus's attention. "What do you mean ‘came with the castle'?"

"You'll have to talk to the senior Mr. Ashford for all the details." Cooke glanced out the window, seeing the man in question already at work in the garden. "To hear him tell it, his family's worked for various members of the nobility in these parts going back to the Norman Conquest."

Klaus was already on his feet. "I think I'll do just that." So saying, he headed out to the garden.

* * *

Klaus had a brief but informative conversation with the senior gardener while the man tended the hundreds of rose bushes. He learned that the Earl's parents divorced when he was in his early teens, the castle having been sold at that time. The cause of the breakup was unclear, although Ashford clearly recalled numerous heated arguments between Lord and Lady. In the end, Lady Gloria left with her three daughters, leaving the young master in his father's care.

Ashford recalled that the Earl and his son moved to Cornwall after the castle was sold. The buyer did not have any interest in maintaining the property, so the servants were dismissed. Naturally, this meant that Castle Gloria fell into disrepair as it sat vacant.

When Klaus asked how Ashford managed to return to the castle, he was told that after the Earl bought the castle back, an agency was employed to search out the servants previously employed there. This was when Ashford learned that the young master Dorian was now the current Earl and had managed to buy back his ancestral home.

"When was this?" Klaus wanted to know.

Ashford stood thoughtfully a moment. "Oh, back in the 70s some time."

Klaus took a stab at the year that Agent P mentioned as being when the Earl reappeared after apparently falling off the face of the Earth. "1976, possibly?"

Ashford frowned. Then his face lit up. "Yes, that's it! The year before the Silver Jubilee. My Mabel was right happy to be back in our old quarters in time to get ‘em all spruced up. She had bunting everywhere by June." Ashford shook his head. "Funny that, what with the Golden Jubilee bein' this year."

Klaus nodded absently, being more surprised to hear of the existence of even a single female on the grounds of Castle Gloria. "And you didn't see the present Lord Gloria in all that time?"

"No. I didn't even know until that agency called that his father passed, God rest his soul. The young master's grown into quite a good-looking young man, hasn't he? Even with him being queer and all." Ashford nodded at the rose bush he had been tending. "Perhaps that's why he finally took such a keen interest in the rose garden. Never bothered with it when he was a lad."

Klaus's eyebrows went up when he heard this. "As if he were a completely different person..." he remarked quietly.

Ashford gave the officer a bewildered look but was prevented from commenting when someone called out that breakfast was ready to be served.

* * *

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