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Chapter Ten
Not Quite Dodging A Bullet


Wow, that voice sounds far away.

“Jason, can you hear me?”

Definitely far… Hang on a minute. Doctor?

The Doctor was standing at his companion’s bedside, a worried look creasing his usually bright features. It had been a close run thing. The bullet had lodged in the Alterran’s back, coming within a hairsbreadth of his spinal column. The Doctor had been able to remove it, but feared that the Alterran’s completely alien cellular make up would not respond to what was considered normal treatment.

The Major, in the meantime, had been happily dealing with the KGB. It turned out the area the Doctor had chosen for the rendezvous just happened to belong to a “friendly power” who did not take kindly to having innocent tourists shot at while strolling on the beach. The local police did not take too kindly to it either. The fact that the tourists in question were dressed completely in black and were carrying burglar tools somehow failed to make it into the official report.

Several hours later in the TARDIS sickbay, Jason finally stirred, a soft moan escaping him. “Doctor…?” he said softly.

“I’m here,” the Time Lord replied gently, taking the Alterran by the hand. “You’re going to be alright.”

Jason struggled to focus his eyes. “What…?” He gave a moan of pain when he tried to move. Why was his back on fire?

“You’ve been shot,” the Doctor informed quietly.

“Not again,” Jason moaned, closing his eyes. Then the events on the beach came flooding back and he caught his breath. “My God, Dorian!”

“He’s alright, Jason. He came to no harm, thanks to you and the Major.”

“Great bodyguard I’d be if I got us both shot,” the Alterran remarked. He shifted position, grimacing in pain again. “Lord, I hurt. What are you giving me for pain? Whatever it is, it’s not enough.”

The Doctor gave a playful grunt of disapproval. “Are you trying to take over my case, Healer Jason?”

“I’m open to consultation on treatment methods, Doctor,” his companion shot back smoothly.

The Doctor smiled. He then voiced his concerns about the treatment he had already performed and was relieved to learn that the Alterran’s physical makeup, while radically different at the genetic level, would respond to the normal treatment while he was in human form.

After increasing the dose of pain killers, Jason was asleep again. The Doctor watched him a few seconds and then turned to the Major and Eroica, who had been in the room the whole time.

“He saved my life,” Eroica said in a quiet voice, still not quite believing what had happened.

“Yes, he did,” the Doctor agreed. “Now, Major, I believe you wanted to contact NATO again.” So saying, he strode from the room.

Eroica looked at the Major, their eyes meeting for a single frozen moment. The moment was gone and the Major was casually lighting a cigarette and following the Doctor to the console room. The thief watched him go, a chill running down his spine. You would just as soon they’d killed me, wouldn’t you, Major?

* * *

When Jason woke again, he saw Eroica dozing in a chair across the room. He looked considerable cleaner and drier than the last time he’d seen him. He also looked like one of the works of art he was always going on about. Thief in repose. He chuckled as this thought crossed his mind, only to groan in pain. Don’t laugh, Krystovan, you’ll pull your stitches out.

Eroica opened his eyes at the sound, and was surprised to see the Alterran watching him. He had no idea what to say to him other than, “Thank you.”


Eroica got to his feet and crossed to the bedside, pulling a stool over and sitting down. “I said thank you.”

“I heard you,” Jason said in a quiet voice. “I’m just—”

“You saved my life out there.”

Jason studied the face of the man looking down at him. He seemed genuinely surprised by his actions. “Yes, I suppose I did.” His eyes narrowed. “Why does that surprise you?”

Eroica sat back, pushing his hair back and then idly playing with one of the long curls. “I’m not used to people doing something without expecting anything in return.”

Jason gave him a small smile. “All kidding aside, Dorian, I thought we were friends.”


Jason frowned. He tried to shift his position in bed to get a better look at the man’s face, but only succeeded in hurting himself. Moving around was definitely out of the question. “Why not?” he countered.

Eroica was momentarily stuck for an answer on that point. “You don’t find me repulsive?”

“Repulsive? Dorian, you’re gorgeous,” came the truthful reply.

Eroica blinked. “Hang on, you told me—”

“I don’t have to be gay to admire the aesthetic beauty of the male form,” Jason replied calmly. “I’m not from your world or your time. The social mores of this time period are completely different to the ones I’ve been raised with. I’m a heterosexual male. You’re a homosexual male. It’s as simple as that.”

“If only it were,” the thief replied longingly.

“I’m sure if you weren’t so completely over the top about it things would be considerably less stressful,” Jason observed astutely. He received a mournful look in reply. With a grin, he added, “Although, I’m sure it would be dull as ditch water and not to your liking at all.”

Eroica could not help but smile at this. “You seem to know all the answers,” he observed.

“No, I don’t. I still have a lot of questions.”

“Such as?”

Jason studied his expression a moment and then drew a deep breath. “You’re in love with Klaus, aren’t you?”

The question hit Eroica like a bolt from the blue. His mouth dropped open and he stared at the Alterran in amazement.

“I’ll take that as a yes.”

“How did you…? I haven’t even been thinking about that, what with everything…” Eroica pushed his hair back from his face. “You’ve only known me two days!”

Jason groaned. “Oh, come on. You tease him mercilessly just to get a rise out of him. Not that that’s all that difficult. That’s why you’ve been hitting on me so much when he’s around, isn’t it? You wouldn’t bother if you didn’t care about him.”

Eroica sat staring into space.

“Are you upset I figured it out, or that you didn’t have the chance to tell me?” Jason asked, receiving a sideways glance in reply. “I hope you were planning on letting me down easy.”

Eroica could not help but laugh at this. “I had a long speech planned. And a candlelight supper.”

“I’m sorry I ruined you plans.” A pause. “Does he know?” Jason asked suddenly.

“Lord, yes. Everybody knows.”

“Really?” Jason was genuinely surprised to hear this. “How did he react to that?”

Eroica gave him a sideways look. “He knocked me halfway across a room with one hell of a right cross.”

Again, Jason regretted laughing, but could not help himself. This time, Eroica joined him. It really was amusing now that he thought about it, although at the time it was far less than enjoyable.

After a lengthy silence, Jason said quietly, “I’m really am glad you’re okay, Dorian.” To his astonishment, a small sob escaped the man beside him. He held out an arm and the thief leaned over the bed, accepting the embrace.

“I thought you were going to die,” Eroica admitted in a small voice.

Jason closed his eyes, holding the man a moment and reflecting on all that had happened. He did not remember being shot, but knew that Dorian would have witnessed it. He also seemed to have deduced that the bullet was meant for him and apparently seemed unable comprehend why someone would willingly allow themselves to be shot in his place. Naturally, Jason would have preferred not to have been shot at all. At the time, he intended to push Dorian out of the way and then join him in the water. Obviously, this plan had gone straight to hell.


“What?” came the muffled reply.

Jason could not help himself and giggled, groaning at the same time. Do not laugh! “Dorian, look at me.”

The mass of blond curls shifted to reveal the tear stained face. Jason smiled, put his hand under the bewildered man’s chin, planting a gentle kiss on his cheek. “Now, go wash your face. Your eyes are all red and puffy.”

Eroica gave a laugh that was part sob and sat up, wiping the tears from his face. “I don’t understand you at all.”

“That’s probably because I’m a good seventy years older than you are, you sweet darling boy,” Jason replied playfully, adding, “And an alien.” He received a watery smile in return. “Now let me sleep, alright?” He closed his eyes and sighed heavily. “I’m dead tired.”


Within minutes, Jason was fast asleep.

Eroica sat watching him for several minutes before rising to his feet and going to wash his face. For a long time he stood looking at his reflection in the mirror. He had teased and harassed Jason at every opportunity from the moment he met him, and yet the Alterran still took a bullet for him without thinking twice. Why?

He had never met anyone so totally selfless.

And it scared him to death.

* * *

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