Penname: Hunter [Contact]
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Member Since: 05/03/2006
Membership status: Administrator

Hello, I'm your friendly neighborhood admin! I've been in the Eroica fandom since 2002, when a very good friend introduced me to the manga summaries at and to the fic at The two of us soon started writing our own crossover crackfic that to this day has never been completed, though I keep telling myself I should go back to it. In 2006 the ladies that had been running handed the site over to me, and after a lot of hard work and swearing, Fried Potatoes was born!

I am still writing fic, but as you may have guessed from the preceding story, I'm terrible at finishing things! Thus, I have not posted any Eroica fic in a very long time. As of mid-June 2011, I am in the process of going through all my drawerfic to type handwritten works, edit, and (I hope) finish some of the stories that have been languishing for years, so you may see more from me soon. Well, soonish.

I will read and write about nearly any character or pairing. That said, most of my Eroica fic thus far has been Dorian/Klaus. I am equally fond of comedy and angst and I'm constantly tempted by AUs and crossovers.

I was going to name my favorite character, but I don't think I have one! I love Klaus and Dorian equally, though I identify more with Dorian; I adore James, A, Bonham, and Z; and my love for Mischa knows no bounds. My favorite story is a toss-up between "Hallelujah Express" and "Emperor Waltz."

That about covers my fic and canon preferences. Anything else can be found in my LiveJournal. My work in other fandoms is available at Dreamwidth and AO3.

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